English homework.
On page 36 when the class had an homework about write a text about the Night Sky. Ruth felt so clever when she wrote it, but when her teacher read it out loud, she just felt stupid.
I have read about a similiar opportunity. First he felt so clever when he wrote the text. But when he read it again he didn’t felt so clever about it.
It’s the same situation. Ruth felt clever and proud about it. But when she heard it agai, she just felt stupid. Just like that boy who wrote the text.
wailing - Klagande
solemn - högtidlig
wiping - Torka
frequently - Ofta
occasionally - ibland
clenching - knyta
rancid -härsken
rejecting - avvisa
twitched - ryckte
dysfunctional - Dysfunktionella
encouragement - uppmuntran
chalk - krita
supercilious - högdragen
insignificant - obetydlig
imagery - bildspråk
cringe - krypa
swivelling - svängbara
sobbing - snyftade
surgeon - kirurg
crammed - proppfull
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